Tunnel Vision – July 4th, 2019
rbcp | Dec 10, 2021 | 0 comments
It’s a July 4th celebration, complete with fireworks throughout the show. Dwight cohosts and they’re occasionally joined by Dom the Bomb. Carlito calls firework stands, Dwight puts fireworks in his microwave, they talk about the upcoming Chicago prank call meetup venue, Carlito turns into a real asshole when he finds a walkie talkie in public, Jack Helliquinn calls in and they talk about the meetup, Van Voodoo has a hernia and makes music.
This episode has been sponsored by Medalla Light. To honor the great and late Carlito, crack open a Medalla Light tonight, while you watch the 1976 cinematic masterpiece known as Tunnel Vision.

Filed Under: 2019 • Podcast • Show Archive