Madhouse Radio 12 Year Anniversary Show – 7/14/2017

This is the Madhouse Radio Prank Call episode from 7/14/2017, our 12 year anniversary show machine!  Carlito is the originator of nonsensically appending the word machine to random inanimate objects and nouns in the prank call community as well as Hold fail calls (acting like the “customer” can’t hear insults while on hold) & Planet Fitness lunk alarm prank calls.  Other people just provide pale, watered-down, milquetoast imitations of these and claim to be the inventor.  Brad Carter is the original caller from “customer service” who follows up on Twitter complaints.

Leave a review for this podcast on the iTunes store!  Follow Carlito on Twitter @madhouse and get more shows like this at Prank Call Nation!  Check out Prank Calls of the Week on YouTube –

More shows coming very soon!  Very soon!  Very soon soon!  I love saying VERY SOON!

Filed Under: 2017PodcastShow Archive

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